
10 Travel Safety Tips for Your Upcoming Trip

10 Travel Safety Tips for Your Upcoming Trip

It’s always a good idea to be informed of the latest travel safety tips for your next trip, especially with the pandemic still present. Read further for more details on how to be extra safe.

Don’t worry – it is only natural for you to get the urge to travel when you have been cooped up in the house for such a long period of time. The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has kept our world down for a couple of months now – and everyone is beginning to feel the itch to get out and explore. For those avid travelers, this desire is amplified.

Though, let’s be honest for a moment – there is a good chance that no matter how ready you are to travel, you are questioning whether or not it is safe to do so. And, it’s no wonder why. There are millions of cases of COVID-19 around the world, with some destinations being a bit more prevalent than others.

Good news! Getting out of your comfort zone by allowing your travels to once again commence is possible if you are prepared and take a few precautions. In fact, we’ve put together a list of 10 travel safety tips for your upcoming trip.

So, whether you are traveling because you have to or because you want to, keep yourself safe.

1. Register Your Travels

If you are traveling outside of the United States, then let the U.S. government know where you are going and when. This way, should a situation arise, they will be able to contact you with any needed information.

And, in the unlikely event that something should happen, they will know to find you.

2. Review Travel Safety for Your Destination

If you are traveling anywhere outside of your immediate surroundings – which is very likely – then you will want to seek out travel information. This applies to both domestic and foreign travel.

For instance, it could be business as usual for you in California, but a trip to Arkansas may land you in the middle of a national flood disaster. So, check before you go so you know what you are flying into.

3. Invest in Travel Insurance

Face it, this year – 2020 – is unlike any other we have experienced. From the coronavirus to civil unrest and everything in between, we don’t know what the future holds. Therefore, when you book your travel, you may want to consider getting some travel insurance just in case.

Of course, you don’t want to give up your trip, but if this year has taught us anything, it is that life can change in an instant.

4. Know Your COVID-19 Hot Spots

Keep in mind that the coronavirus is still wreaking havoc around the world. Many countries and states are requiring a 14-day quarantine upon arrival. Depending on where you are traveling to – or from – this could mean you have to self-quarantine before you can even begin to enjoy your destination or after you get back. You will need to take this into consideration when you plan your travels.

If at all possible, you may want to avoid these hotspot areas altogether.

5. Purchase Travel Medical Insurance

This may be something you haven’t thought of, but if you are intending to travel outside of the United States, you need to be prepared.

What if you come down with symptoms from COVID-19 when you are so far from home? You could have left home infected, with your symptoms spiking when you reach your destination. You don’t want to be stranded needing serious medical care and not having insurance to take care of the bill.

During these uncertain times, travel medical insurance may be a good investment to consider.

10 Travel Safety Tips for Your Upcoming Trip - The Early Air Way

6. Wear a Face Mask

Like we mentioned above, the coronavirus has made its way around the world. That means no matter where you are traveling to, you have the ability to come in contact with it. And, let’s not forget to mention that you could be asymptomatic and carrying it!

As you maneuver your way to your destination – and around your destination – wear a mask. This is especially important when you are near others.

7. Travel Safely

Getting from one point to another can require air travel. And, if so, you are going to want to weigh your options. With the number of cases still on the rise, is it worth risking contact with the virus for a cheap commercial ticket? Not at all.

Find yourself a great price on a private jet travel – and protect your health. It’s a great way to practice social distancing. Besides, there is an even greater chance you will find the privacy, comfort, and amenities that come with private jet travel much more pleasant than those you get on commercial aircraft.

8. Be Careful Where You Stay

Just as your travel method matters, so does where you rest your head at night. Skimping in your accommodations may leave you susceptible to germs – and right now is not when you want to be doing that.

Make sure you are staying at a reputable hotel and that they have proper cleaning and sanitizing methods in place.

9. Avoid Crowds

Whether it is at a tourist stop or a street festival, during a global pandemic is not necessarily when you want to rub shoulders with the locals.

Try to find things to do that are off the beaten path. This way you can enjoy yourself and take a break from reality while also maintaining social distancing.

10. Practice Good Hygiene

It should go without saying, but it is necessary to mention – wash your hands. As you go throughout your day, wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. If you can, carry hand sanitizer with you and use it often, too. And, always keep your hands away from your face – touching your eyes, mouth, nose, etc. can spread the germs that cause COVID-19.


Your upcoming trip is going to get you out of the stagnant rut our country has been in for the last few months. Stop questioning whether you should go through with it and just do it.

Follow the steps above, ensuring that you take safety precautions to protect yourself (such as booking a private flight), and enjoy your travels!

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