
Wellness Travel is a Practice for Self Care?

If you have not already heard of the wellness travel trend that is taking off, then now is the time for you to get in the loop. It is quickly growing in popularity – and for good reason. Read below!

Wellness Travel is the New Self Care Remedy - The Early Air Way

Getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of life can leave you frazzled and spastic if you aren’t careful. Unlike generations of old that just pushed through work and life until they were just a walking empty, today there is much more emphasis on wellness, health, clarity, and overall well-being.

While there is something to be said about long-distance family road trips to see relatives, the familial unit seems to be breaking down while the importance of self is taking flight.

After all, how can you care for others without first caring for yourself?

Today’s travelers seem to have decided to prove the answer to that question. You can’t give anything to others if you are too worn down and empty.

Therefore, you will need to send yourself off to faraway places for relaxation, rejuvenation, and whole-body wellness.

And, so wellness travel began.

All-Encompassing Wellness

Wellness travel is about the wellness of the whole body.

To clarify, here are a few examples of types of wellness vacations:

  • Physical wellness, focusing on fitness, endurance, and strength.
  • Mental clarity, focusing on the mind. Engaging you in things such as yoga and meditation.
  • Overall body relaxation, usually including spa services and elegant personal treatment.
  • Culinary wellness, such as following a specific diet offered by the destination of choice. Often these also include learning new cooking techniques and how to eat for your health and well-being.
  • A combination of all the above. Sometimes you just want a little bit of everything – you want to indulge your senses with a spa treatment right after a nice hike in the woods and before your delightful vegan meal.

You are the only one who knows what your body needs – and what you can benefit from the most. Choose your wellness vacation based on you.

Where to Find It

You can find wellness travel destinations just about anywhere.

Sometimes it is the destination. Other times it is what you can do when you get there. It all depends on what you are looking for in your trip.

  • The Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee offers some options for wellness travel. These include going into the woods and spending some time in nature. You will find resorts and retreats to offer things such as deep woods yoga, hiking, and meditation.
  • Bigger cities, such as New York City, Miami, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles offer retreat-style resorts that offer calming surroundings, spa services, organic whole food dining, as well as yoga, meditation, and various excursions. This option is great for those that need to maintain business dealings while also seeking a balance of health and wellness.
  • Cities along the coasts offer spa services and rejuvenating packages that include water sports and activities.
  • Remote destinations in Arizona can offer quiet retreats and even ‘glamping’. In other words, you can go off-grid without actually going off-grid.

Wellness vacation destinations can take you anywhere. It all depends on your needs and desires.

Wellness Travel is the New Self Care Remedy - The Early Air Way

The Best Way to Get There

When it comes to wellness travel, you are on a quest for tranquility. Take a moment to consider this:

You have finally decided to take that much-needed vacation away from everyone and everything. You are going to clear your mind and indulge in rich relaxation. But, first, you must get there. So, make sure you arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance of your departure. Then, stand in security lines that seem endless. Once you finally begin to see the light, you must sit at your gate for another hour, then go through the simulated cattle call to board the aircraft. As you do, you keep your fingers crossed that you can sit next to someone simple – and quiet.

How enjoyable does all of that seem? Not so much, right?

That is why the best way to get to your wellness destination is via a private charter. Instead of the above scenario, imagine being able to board the plane just before takeoff, with flexible timing, no need for long security lines, and the most comfortable aircraft cabin.

Private jet charters allow you the opportunity to travel to your destination engulfed in luxurious and calm surroundings.

Who says that you can’t start your wellness vacation until you land? Start it before you even get to your destination with a private jet.

The Benefits of Wellness Travel

To try to list the benefits you will receive from wellness travel is like trying to count the grains of sand on the beach. It is impossible.

Mental and physical wellness is important in all walks of life – and at all stages. To do your best you must feel your best. And, there is a very high chance that you don’t receive all that you need from your regular ol’ day-to-day life.

That’s why wellness travel is so beneficial:

  • It can be rejuvenating,
  • Bring you relaxation.
  • Re-focus your mind,
  • Increase your strength,
  • It can teach you new healthy skills,
  • Take away your aches and pains,
  • And remind you of what is important.

Just to name a few.

Is Wellness Travel for You?

Whether you are wound up tighter than a banjo and ready to pop your strings at any moment or you are just looking for time away from life to indulge in some enlightenment, wellness travel is for you – and is incredibly beneficial.

You don’t have to be stressed, at your wit’s end, and out of control to reap the benefits. That’s the best part.

Traveling for wellness can keep you whole. It can keep you balanced. And, it can keep you both physically – and mentally – healthy.


Now you know what all the hype is about when it comes to wellness travel. Don’t you think it is time you did something good for yourself?

Contact your local, trusted private jet charter authority to book your flight.

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